"@ calebinFloroda:...your comparisons to imperial Japan, isis and nazism would ring truer if it were not for the governing body/fds conjuring ' new light ' which nullifies their previous ideologically held belief systems. Your comparitive examples strictly held or hold to their ideologies to the death."
I disagree. "New Light" not withstanding, the JWs do have a core unchanging ideology which may be summarized as this:
The JW organization is God's organization which one must always be loyal and obedient to. To disagree with or criticize the organization is to disagree with or criticize Jehovah. To leave the organization is to leave Jehovah. Only members of the organization are true christians approved by God. Association with the organization is essential to having God's approval and any valid hope of escaping destruction at Armageddon.
There might be a few other core, unchanging aspects of the JW theology that I missed, but what I've written above is the essence of it. The "new light" changes are minor secondary teachings that aren't really part of the core ideology of JWism.